Port Security
Port Security, is a Cisco Switch feature that best protects against CAM table overflow attacks.
Information Security Notes
Port Security, is a Cisco Switch feature that best protects against CAM table overflow attacks.
when configuring an IPS in promiscious mode, Atomic attacks (single packet attacks) NOT be stopped.
Access response is not a valid radius packet type.
NTP crucial for: Accurate logging Validating certificates Kerberos tickets
Secure desktop will create a completely separate computing enviroment that will be deleted when you are done. This ensures that no confidential data has been left on the shared/public computer.
With PGP A Third part know as a web of trust verfies relation between user and key. The Web of trust signs a users public key
Configuring the Cisco Security Agent using preconfigured policies: Create and edit a new, similar policy Clone and then edit the new policy In order to customze the policy to fit your
Continue reading…Configuring the Cisco Security Agent using Security policies
PFS group is NOT a supported IKE attribute.
Virus and phishing protection IPS Content and URL filtering are technologieswhich are included in the Anti-X.
Open mail relays are often used for spamming Worms often spread via SMTP
When configuring the FWSM for multiple security contexts, the system context is the context you allocate interfaces to.
The Cisco IOS-IPS functionality: To activate new signatures you download a new signature definition file (SDF) frim Ciscos website Loading and enabling selected IPS signatures is user configurable
NTP is an importance component when implementing IPSEC VPN in a PKI enviroment, becuae it ensures the router has the correct time when checking validity from the remote peers.
For a router to obtain a cerificate from a CA, the first step of the certificate enrollment process is for the router to generate an RSA key pair
The Pre-Blocking ACL entries override the blocking ACL entries generated by the sensor, is a true statment about a Pre-Block ACL configured when setting up your sensor to perform IP Blocking.
IOS IPS sends IPS alert messages using two protocols: SDEE SYSLOG
If you perform a network trace of a ping going through an IPSec/3-DES tunnel, it would be true with respect to the appearance of a tunneled/encrypted packets, that the same key
By defualt, to perform IPS deny actions, the ACL is applied when using IOS-IPS, to the ingress interface of the offending packet.
When configuring IOS firewall (CBAC) operations on Cisco routers, the “inspection rule” could be applied at two locations: At the untrusted interface in the outbound direction. At the trusted interface
Continue reading…Application of the “inspection rule” in IOS firewall (CBAC)
root guard and BPDU gruard, are Cisco technologis that protect against spanning-tree protocol manipulation.