Cyptanalytic Attacks
1) Ciphertext-only attack
Given:: The ciphertext only
Recovering:: The plaintext
2) Known plaintext attack
Given:: pairs of Cipher/plaintexts
Recovering:: The Key
3)Chosen-Plaintext attack
Given:: The ability to chose Plaintexts and obtain Ciphertexts
Recovering:: The Key
4)Chosen-Ciphertext attack
Given:: The ability to chose Ciphertexts and obtain the Plaintexts
Recovering::The Key
5)Adaptive-Chosen-Plaintext attack
Given:: The ability to dynamically chose Plaintexts based on the obtained Ciphertexts
Recovering::The Key
6)Adaptive-Chosen-Ciphertext attack
Given:: The ability to dynamically chose Ciphertexts based on the obtained Plaintexts
Recovering::The Key