FTP passive mode
Using FTP passive mode, after the client opens the command channel (port 21) to the ftp server and requests passive mode. The Next Step is: The FTP server allocates a port to use
Information Security Notes
Using FTP passive mode, after the client opens the command channel (port 21) to the ftp server and requests passive mode. The Next Step is: The FTP server allocates a port to use
Using FTP passive mode, after the client opens the command channel (port 21) to the ftp server and requests passive mode, the next step will be: The FTP server allocates
With Cisco’s IOS authentication proxy feature, users can initiate network access via three protocols: Http/https FTP Telnet
If the FTP client is configured for active FTP, the ASA partial configuration will enable the remote user to “get” and “put” FTP files